1649 cryptocurrencies
Total De La Capitalisation Boursière €12,917,863,270,134
Volume Total de 24h €3,426,885,580

1337 1337

0.000007 2.79%

1337 coin was created as an experimental Proof-of-Stake coin, with high rewards and inflation control system. It\'s a fun driven cryptocurrency that develops games for users and plans to be used as an ingame currency for online games.

La part de marché 0.00%
Ouvert 0.0002
Faible 0.0002
Haute 0.0002
L'Offre Actuelle 0 1337
L'Offre Totale 2,147,483,647 1337
Le marché de la pac 0
24h Volume (pièce de monnaie) 0 1337
24h de Volume (de la monnaie) 0
Dernière mise à jour 2023-09-07 23:55:03
Date Prix Volume