1649 cryptocurrencies
Total De La Capitalisation Boursière €11,578,589,040,429
Volume Total de 24h €2,551,057,099

Circuits of Value Circuits of Value

-0.0014 -5.85%

Circuits of Value is a rewards program supported by block chain technology. Buyers and sellers transacting in goods and services or giving charitable donations in any currency earn RibbitRewards. No matter what currency you are transacting in, the more you buy, sell, or donate on Marketplace.Life or other participating merchant sites, the more COVAL you can earn.

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La part de marché 0.00%
Ouvert 0.02
Faible 0.02
Haute 0.03
L'Offre Actuelle 1,784,838,484 COVAL
L'Offre Totale 1,000,000,000 COVAL
Le marché de la pac 40,860,371
24h Volume (pièce de monnaie) 1,517,478 COVAL
24h de Volume (de la monnaie) 34,740
Dernière mise à jour 2024-05-07 05:50:11
Date Prix Volume