1649 cryptocurrencies
Total De La Capitalisation Boursière €10,997,812,958,891
Volume Total de 24h €1,709,976,565

Flash Flash

1.16 43.23%

Flash is a PoW/PoS hybrid coin with fast and completely free transactions. FLX provides strealth adresses and an encrypted message system



POW Schedule
Blocks 1- 500: 500FLX
Blocks 500-1000: 250FLX
Blocks 1000-1500: 50FLX
Blocks 1500-2000: 25FLX

POS Schedule
Random is 1-100
1-500: rand * 500
500-1000: rand * 250
1000-1500: rand * 75
Proof of Stake
Interest: 1.25%

10MB Block size.

No TX Fees, the way it should be

La part de marché 0.00%
Ouvert 2.69
Faible 2.64
Haute 4.89
L'Offre Actuelle 0 FLX
L'Offre Totale 1,000,000 FLX
Le marché de la pac 0
24h Volume (pièce de monnaie) 6,552 FLX
24h de Volume (de la monnaie) 25,258
Dernière mise à jour 2024-09-04 14:00:19
Date Prix Volume